Specialized since 1983 in selling
dance articles, it avails from the beginning of the trust and the Collaboration
of the best dancers and becames a reference point for thousand of people
devoted to this discipline. As confirm of its capacityes has increased
even more the co-operation whit the best dance teachers and dance associations.
Unique importer for Italy of the prestigious Supadance shoes, also avails
of a large stock of fabrics and accessories and its able to offer to its
clients THE BEST products and all the news available on the market.
All articles are alwais available
with assistance and competence in the main office of Casalgrande lookable
on-line in this web site or, on request, on catalogue.
Shipments are made in all Italy
and Europe with the maximum rapidity and puntuality in deliveries, and
moreover our stand is present in the main competitions around Italy offering
you the comfort of buying directly there.
Thanking to the aquired experience, THE BEST snc is for years leader in
this sector and thanks to its seriousness and competence has taken place
at the top in the italian market.